Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I really love birds and canaries in particular.
First, they have various beautiful colors like white and yellow. My favorite one is yellow. Second, they sing really nicely. In the mornings, during the sunrise, they star singing different and nice sounds. It’s so great; sometimes they sing for more than five minutes without stopping, making a different kind of sounds. Third, when I’m tired I like watching them moving, eating, and drinking. Sometimes they open their wings and play with them. Fourth, they have great balance. When they sleep, they put their heads under their wings and they still stand on the branches without falling. This is really amazing to me. In addition, it is cheap to have birds at home because their food is really not expensive. Canaries are less maintenance than dogs.
I am fond of watching canaries, they make me feel good.

Introduce myself

My name is Hamid Kacel, I live in Oakland and I was born in Algeria. I am Algerian and I speak four languages: French, Arabic, Berber and English. Before coming to Laney, I went to university in Algeria and my favorite school subject is mechanical engineering. I studied French at school as a foreign language.

My hobbies are: listening to music, watching TV, going out with my friends. In my free time I like staying home to clean and I enjoy cooking some traditional food. In the evening, I like going out with my friends for drinks and I like dancing too. I want to finish school and find a good job. That’s my plan for the future.
by hamid 2/14/07

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How to get a driver`s license

It`s easy to get a driver`s license. First, you should prepare for the highway code, and go to DMV to make an appointement to take a writing test. Second, when you get your writing test you should prepare for a driving test, you should borrow a car if you don`t have one , and learn how to drive, when you learn that, you should learn how to park your car, you might spend a couple of weeks to learn that. Third , when you are ready , go to DMV or call them to make an appointement for the driving test ,bring your car insurance, the registration and the appointement , you should be at DMV 10 minutes before the test. Wait on the driving line until the examiner comes to your car , but be patient and don`t worry. Finally, when you get your driver`s license , you can drive wherever you want but, don`t drive fast.

The Limousine

The limousine was quite luxurious. It was at least fifteen feet long. It had six doors and could carry eight passengers comfortably. The out side of the limousine was very nice also. It had at least eight black windows, it was very clean and it looked nice, it had a diffrent colors of light you can see that at night time. when you open the doors , you see a nice TV and big speakers, on the floor there is a nice and clean carpet .

A beach at sunset

A beach at sunset looks very nice especially on summer days .At the horizon, you can see the beautiful orange color of the sun, and some red and pink clauds above. On the sard you can see nice waves and listen to their beautiful sound. There are also some tall palm trees near the beach, and some beautiful boats. It`s a special place that I recommend to relax after work .

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The driving test

I remember the first time I passed my driving test. It was a Monday and I borrowed my friend’s car, I was at DMV at 10:00 am. I was in line. The car has a problem, but my friend had not told me about it. The battery was low. When I turned the engine off I couldn’t turn it on. After 10 minutes waiting, the driver man came to my car and he started questioning me. I answered all his questions, it was great, after that he asked me to turn the engine on, I tried the first time but nothing happened and the second time was the same. He gave me a last chance, it was the same. I was really very sad because he told me to reschedule my appointment. After that I called my friend and I told him to come to take his car.