Wednesday, February 21, 2007


When I was in Algeria ,I was at hight school student , my friends were talking about the visa and the Imigration , after that it made me think to apply for a DV lottery .I applied for that and four months latter I was selected and I recieved a letter from the embassy of the United States of America for the interview.I prepared all the documents I needed and I went to the embassy in Tunisia , when I was there the first thing i did was to pass my medicale tests,and the next day I went for the interview,I paid all my visa fees , and I waited for the inteview , I was verry worried about that because it was my first interview for a visa . At 11 :00 the coneslor called me to start my inteview . In the first time he talked to me in English , but I couldn`t understand him and I asked him if it was possible to use the French language instead of English and he told me ''Of course why not''. It made my interview more confortable . After twenty five minutes he told me "CONGRATULATION! your visa is accorded". And I was thrilled so I called my family and I told them the news and they were very happy .

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The dinner with friends

Last night, I invited my friends to my home, and we cooked some traditional Algerian food for dinner. After that, we went to San Francisco to dance and to have some drinks.
When we were there, I met a new friend. He is American,so we talked about the life and the job situation in America.I really enjoyed the night because we had a fun,and I learned some new things for me .

My classmate

My classmat name`s Meziane.He comes from Paris , a big city in France.
He arrived in the United states three years ago .He is single and he lives with his cousin.He lives in Oakland and he is studying at Laney College also .He speaks four languges :Berber,Aarbic,Frensh and English.He is taking English classes and math.He has a job in a small restaurant where he is a cashier .He likes his job because he meets a lot of people with whom he can practice English ,and he goes out with them,that`s why he is happy .He likes to watch TV ,and he listen to
music. At the weekends , he likes to go out , and he wants to be an engineer in the future.

The trip to Reno

To celebrate the new year 2007,I went to Reno with my girlfriend and
my friends.On the way we listened to music,and talked about the future. Around 11:50pm we were on the way and we saw the snow , but we missed the fireworks , we was really sad , but we had a fun without it .When we were in Renowe made a reservation at a hotel ,after that we went to a casino where I spent a couple of hundreds dollars.The next day we went to Lake Tahoe to sky , we really enjoyed it , but I was tired because I drove all the way .

Introduce myself

My name is Hamid Kacel, I live in Oakland and I was born in Algeria. I am Algerian and I speak four languages: French, Arabic, Berber and English. Before coming to Laney, I went to university in Algeria and my favorite school subject is mechanical engineering. I studied French at school as a foreign language.

My hobbies are: listening to music, watching TV, going out with my friends. In my free time I like staying home to clean and I enjoy cooking some traditional food. In the evening, I like going out with my friends for drinks and I like dancing too. I want to finish school and find a good job. That’s my plan for the future.