Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My classmate

My classmat name`s Meziane.He comes from Paris , a big city in France.
He arrived in the United states three years ago .He is single and he lives with his cousin.He lives in Oakland and he is studying at Laney College also .He speaks four languges :Berber,Aarbic,Frensh and English.He is taking English classes and math.He has a job in a small restaurant where he is a cashier .He likes his job because he meets a lot of people with whom he can practice English ,and he goes out with them,that`s why he is happy .He likes to watch TV ,and he listen to
music. At the weekends , he likes to go out , and he wants to be an engineer in the future.

1 comment:

nat said...

classmate's name's
Aarbic,Frensh correct these

he listens

edit this text again, watch the punctuation

good work