Wednesday, February 21, 2007


When I was in Algeria ,I was at hight school student , my friends were talking about the visa and the Imigration , after that it made me think to apply for a DV lottery .I applied for that and four months latter I was selected and I recieved a letter from the embassy of the United States of America for the interview.I prepared all the documents I needed and I went to the embassy in Tunisia , when I was there the first thing i did was to pass my medicale tests,and the next day I went for the interview,I paid all my visa fees , and I waited for the inteview , I was verry worried about that because it was my first interview for a visa . At 11 :00 the coneslor called me to start my inteview . In the first time he talked to me in English , but I couldn`t understand him and I asked him if it was possible to use the French language instead of English and he told me ''Of course why not''. It made my interview more confortable . After twenty five minutes he told me "CONGRATULATION! your visa is accorded". And I was thrilled so I called my family and I told them the news and they were very happy .

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